the database of Golden Retriever
by Allevamento GoldenMania

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Data Base Section - Functionality:
These pages are not still available in English language.
Each subject corresponds to a form containing, if present in the Database, these data:
  - The name, including any titles and honors
  - A photograph of the subject, if present
  - A & quot; Pedigree & quot ;, where it is possible to navigate among the ancestors of the subject and view the relative cards
  - The Nickname
  - The registration number
  - the number of microchips or tattoo
  - The date of birth
  - The country of Origin of the subject
  - The sex
  - The breeder
  - The owner
  - Data relating to Oculopathies, Hips and Elbows
  - The link to the website of the breeder or subject

You can also view:
  - the Pedigree, in printable version, at 3, 4 and 5 generations
  - the Pedigree, in printable version, at 3, 4 and 5 generations with information on the results of hip dysplasia
  - the Pedigree, in printable version, at 3, 4 and 5 generations with information on the COI or & quot; Coefficient of consanguinity & quot; (not yet active)
  - the list of Sons, full siblings and siblings by father and mother, with the name of the parent.
The TABLE of COMMON ANCESTORS is very useful for identifying which ancestors they are more present in the pedigree.

COI and COR data will also be available soon, ie
COI (coefficient of inbreeding, or & quot; coefficient of inbreeding & quot;)
Measures the proportion of an individual's genes that are identical in descent to another < br> inbreeding cannot exist in the absence of inbreeding
(COR coefficient of inbreeding, or & quot; coefficient of relationship & quot;)
Measures the proportion of an animal's genes that are identical in ancestry to those of a second animal;
there may be inbreeding even in the absence of crossbreeding - inbreeding.)

For registered users, who have requested the access password, it will be possible:
  - modify or update the data of each individual dog
  - add or replace the photo of the dog, which will be automatically resized and paginated correctly in the
tab   - insert a new subject.

If you think additional features might be useful, or for other suggestions, please contact us at

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The information inserted in this database are of public dominion, and/or are provided by the user of the site.
We provide no warranty in respect of the reliability, precision, completeness or exhaustiveness of the information provided, and we accept no responsibility for the use of information provided.
The user agrees to hold out the owners, the managers and the utilizzatoris of this site and their representatives, from whatever application or responsibility or damage that can result from the proper or improper use of the furnished and/or used information, and everything this for any purpose both personnel how commercial.
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